Latest version.
  • (A) There is hereby created a Committee of the Whole of the City Council (“the Committee”).
    (B) The Committee shall be comprised of the duly elected or appointed Aldermen of the city.
    (C) The Committee shall meet at least monthly on a date and time established by the Committee.
    (D) At its first meeting of each calendar year the Committee shall elect one of its number to serve as the Chairperson of the Committee who shall serve for a term of one year.
    (E) The Committee may enact bylaws for its operation and functioning. The Committee may, as its discretion, create sub-committees, composed citizens of the city and one or more Committee members, to address any issue to be considered by the Committee. The Committee may also designate one or more of its members to be sponsors of particular issues, such as streets, parks and recreation, finance, information technology, etc. Sponsors shall function similar to sub-committees on the topic they sponsor and shall perform the background work necessary to develop issues for consideration of the Committee.
    (F) The Committee shall consider the matters heretofore considered by the various committees of the City Council, including city streets, parks and recreation, and finance, in addition to information technology matters and other matters as directed from time to time by the City Council.
    (G) The Committee shall report at least monthly to the City Council.
    (H) The Committee shall have exclusive management and supervision of routine city-related information technology (IT) issues and shall make recommendations to the City Council on IT issues which require action or expenditure of city funds.
    (I) This section shall have no application to or affect upon commissions of the city.
    (Ord. 2009-02-330, passed 2-3-09)