Latest version.
  • (A) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or his or her designee to be present and on official duty at all special and regular meetings of the City Council.
    (B) Except during such periods of time at such meetings as the City Council shall set aside for public comment, members of the public shall not interrupt or disturb the proceedings in any manner by voice, actions, or otherwise.
    (C) During periods set aside for public discussion of any nature, any person desiring to speak shall secure the permission of the presiding officer by first silently raising his hand and being recognized. The use of profanity, obscene language, threats, or any violent or abusive conduct by any person is prohibited.
    (D) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or his or her designee to evict any person violating the provisions of this section from the Council Meeting chambers.
    (E) No member of the public shall address the Mayor or Council during a regular meeting, outside of the public comment period, unless properly recognized by the Mayor or the presiding officer, or upon a motion and majority consent of the Council.
    (Ord. 2013-02-406, passed 2-5-13; Am. Ord. 2015-01-503, passed 1-6-15; Am. Ord. 2016-07-585, passed 7-5-16)