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  • (A) The only time the City Council may meet and exclude the media and the public is in executive session. Executive sessions are permitted only for the purpose of considering employment, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplinary action or resignation of any public officer or employee. This may not include general discussion about making policies related to these subjects.
    (B) An executive session may be convened on the request of any member of the City Council or the Mayor, but shall be preceded by an announcement made in public as to the general reason for which the session is to be held. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall not be in executive session.
    (C) Actions taken in executive session shall become legal only after the City Council ratifies the action with a public vote in open session.
    (Ord. 2013-02-406, passed 2-5-13; Am. Ord. 2015-01-503, passed 1-6-15)